Payment Options

You may finalize your bill in one or more of the following ways:

  1. By paying tuition and fees in full with financial aid (if your financial aid grants and loans appear on your account as pending aid or anticipated aid, no further action with the Bursar is required; your bill is automatically considered finalized).
  2. Pay tuition and fees online via eCheck or credit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express).
  3. Enroll in a payment plan. Establish your payment plan based on your tuition and fee costs and your anticipated financial aid. To enroll, log into CUNYfirst Self-Service and go to your Student Center. Go to Finances and select Enroll/Manage Payment Plan.
  4. By a Third Party Voucher from your employer;
    Obtain a voucher from your employer and present it at the time of registration to defer your tuition. Third party vouchers are applicable only when the college is authorized to directly bill the company. Employee reimbursement plans are not considered third party.
  5. By obtaining a Veteran’s Deferral.In order to ensure that class reservations are finalized for the semester, try to complete your registration and bill payment as soon as you can but NO LATER THAN THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE ASSIGNED DUE DATE.

When paying by: