Faculty Guide
Theory and Analysis of Social Policy; Theory of Social Justice; Theory of Social Change; Theory of Violence; Reorganization and Redesign of Work Conducive to Human Development;
Social Work and Social Welfare: Theory and Practice;
- HS 300a - Theories of Social Policy, Social Justice, and Social Change
- HS 301a - Oppression and Social Movements
- HS 316a - Violence in Everyday Life: Sources, Dynamics, and Prevention
- HS 319a - Work and Individual and Social Development
- HS 604c - Assets and Inequalities Dissertation Seminar
- David G. Gil. "From Tribal Consciousness and Subjective Rationality toward Global Consciosness and Objective Rationality." Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2010; Special Issue on New Internationalism (2010). (forthcoming)
- Gil, David G. "From Tribal Consciousness and Subjective Rationality Toward Global Consciousness and Objective Rationality." Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2010. Special Issue on New Internationalism. (2010). (forthcoming)
- David G. Gil. "Social Development As Sustainable Global Justice." Asian Journal of Social Policy, Special Issue: Debating Social Development. (2009). (forthcoming)
- Gil, David G. "Social Development as Sustainable Global Justice." Taiwanese Journal of Social Welfare (2009). (forthcoming)
- Gil, David G. "Meeting Universal Human Needs as the Foundation of Individual and Social Development and of Social and Global Justice: Comments upon Receipt of the Justice Studies Association's 2008 Noam Chomsky Award." Contemporary Justice Review, Volume 11, No. 4, December 2008. (2008).
- Gil, David G. "In Pursuit of Social Justice." Klamath Sustainable Communities (Reprinted from Poverty and Social Justice Connection (2006) Vol. 8. # 3 (2007).
- Gil, David G. "In Pursuit of Social Justice." The Counselor, (Reprinted from Poverty and Social Justice Connection (2006) Vol. XVII,. # 3 (2007).
- Gil, David G. "Social Welfare Services and Social Justice." Taiwanese Journal of Social Services 5. 2 (2007): 2-29.
- Gil, David G. Confronting Injustice and Oppression, Korean Translation by Sun Sook Park, Ph.D. by arrangement with Columbia Universaity Press, New York. Seoul, South Korea: Green Vision through Imprima Korea Agency, 2007.
- Gil,David G. "In Pursuit of Social Justice." Poverty and Social Justice Section Connection (2006).
- Gil,David G. "Reflections on Health and Social Justice." Contemporary Justice Review 9. 1 (2006).
- Gil,David G. "Sibling Abuse in Nature and Culture." Contemporary Justice Review 9. 3 (2006).
- Gil,David G. Gegen Ungerechtigkeit Und Unterdruckung (translation of : "Confronting Injustice and Oppression, New York: Columbia University Press, 1998). Bielefeld, Germany: Kleine Verlag, 2006.
- Gil,David G. "Perspectives on Social Justice." Reflections, California State University, Long Beach, Department of Social Work (2004): 32-39.
- Gil,David G. "Presepctivas Sobre Justica Social (Spanish translation by Rafael Rodriguez Prieto of Gil)." Revista de Estudios Social 2. (2004).
- Gil,David G. "Review of "Youth Violence, Resilience, and Rehabilitation" by Joan Serra Hoffman." Contemporary Justice Review (2004): 447-448.
- Gil,David G. Perspectives on Social Justice. Reflections, California State University, Long Beach, Department of Social Work, 2004.
- Gil,David G. "Bullying - A New Research Enterprise." Contemporary Justice Review (2002): 69-73.
- Gil,David G. "Challenging Injustice and Oppression." Pathways to Power. Ed. Michael O'Melia and Karla Krogsrud Miley. Allyn and Bacon, 2002. Chapter 3, 35-54.
- Gil,David G. "Rethinking the Goals, Organization, Dessign, and Quality of Work in Relation to Individual and Social Development." Contemporary Justice Review (2000): 73-88.
- Gil,David G. "Developmental Social Welfare Services: A Solution or Strategy for the Challenge Facing Social Welfare Globally." New Global Development: Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare (1999): 1-7.
- Gil,David G. "Understanding and Overcoming Social-Structural Violence." Contemporaray Justice Review (1999): 23-35.
- Gil,David G. "Reframing Political Discourse: Politics of Human Needs." New Global Development : Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare (1998): 15-22.
- Gil,David G. Confronting Injustice and Oppression. Columbia University Press, 1998.
- Gil,David G. "Preventing Violence in a Structurally Violent Society: Mission Impossible." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (1996): 77-84.
- Gil,David G. "Beyond Access to Medical Care." Evaluation and the Health Professions (1993): 251-277.
- Gil,David G, with Eva Gil. The Future of Work. Schenkman Publishers, 1986.
- Gil,David G. Toward Social and Economic Justice, ed. (with Eva Gil). Schenkman Publishers, 1985.
- Gil,David G. "Reversing Dynamics of Violence by Transforming Work." Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare (1984).
- Gil,David G. Beyond the Jungle. Schenkman Publishers, 1979.
- Gil,David G. Child Abuse and Violence. AMS Press, 1979.
- Gil,David G. The Challenge of Social Equality. Schenkman Publishers, 1976.
- Gil,David G. Unravelling Social Policy: Theory, Analysis, and Political Action Toward Social Equality. Schenkman Publishers (4th ed. 1990; 5th ed. 1992), 1973.
- Gil,David G. Violence Against Children - Physical Child Abuse in the United States. Harvard University Press (1st ed. 1970; revised ed, 1970.
Professor Gil studies and teaches societal roots aand dynamics of violence and oppression, links between social institutions and human development, the nature and dynamics of social policy, and strategies to transform social orders into development-conducive ways of life.
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
Hebrew University Jerusalem
Institute of the Israeli Society for Child Psychiatry
Hebrew University Jerusalem
University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
- 2008 Noam Chomsky Award, Justice Studies Association (2008)
- Presidential Award, Council on Social Work Education (2006)
- Heller Mentoring Award (2005)
- Social Worker of the Year, Board of Directors, Massachusetts Chapter, National Association of Social Workers (2000 - 2001)
- 40th Heller School Anniversary Award for Leadership in Human Services (1999)
- Co-Chair, Socialist Party/USA (1995 - 1999)
- Honorary Citizen and Key to City of New Orleans (1993)
- Board of Directors, American Orthopsychiatric Association (1990 - 1993)
- Delegate Assembly, National Association of Social Workers (1989 - 1990)
- President, Association for Humanist Sociology (1981 - 1982)
- United Nations Scholarship (1953)
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