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The first book of its kind to review the current status and future direction of the exciting new branch of machine learning/data mining called imbalanced learningImbalanced learning focuses on how an intelligent system can learn when it is provided with imbalanced data. Solving imbalanced learning problems is critical in numerous data-intensive networked systems, including surveillance, security, Internet, finance, biomedical, defense, and more. Due to the inherent complex characteristics of imbalanced data sets, learning from such data requires new understandings, principles, algorithms, and tools to transform vast amounts of raw data efficiently into information and knowledge representation. The first comprehensive look at this new branch of machine learning, this book offers a critical review of the problem of imbalanced learning, covering the state of the art in techniques, principles, and real-world applications. Featuring contributions from experts in both academia and industry, Imbalanced Learning: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications provides chapter coverage on:Foundations of Imbalanced LearningImbalanced Datasets: From Sampling to ClassifiersEnsemble Methods for Class Imbalance LearningClass Imbalance Learning Methods for Support Vector MachinesClass Imbalance and Active LearningNonstationary Stream Data Learning with Imbalanced Class DistributionAssessment Metrics for Imbalanced LearningImbalanced Learning: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications will help scientists and engineers learn how to tackle the problem of learning from imbalanced datasets, and gain insight into current developments in the field as well as future research directions.

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Piras L, Boratto L and Ramos G Evaluating the Prediction Bias Induced by Label Imbalance in Multi-label Classification Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, (3368-3372)

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Starovoitov V and Golub Y (2020). New Function for Estimating Imbalanced Data Classification Results, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis , 30 :3 , (295-302), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2020 .

Liu T, Zhu X, Pedrycz W and Li Z (2020). A design of information granule-based under-sampling method in imbalanced data classification, Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications , 24 :22 , (17333-17347), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2020 .

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Guzmán-Ponce A, Valdovinos R and Sánchez J A Cluster-Based Under-Sampling Algorithm for Class-Imbalanced Data Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, (299-311)

Heidari A, McGrath J, Ilyas I and Rekatsinas T HoloDetect Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data, (829-846)

Tian F, Wu F, Fei X, Shah N, Zheng Q and Wang Y (2019). Improving generalization ability of instance transfer-based imbalanced sentiment classification of turn-level interactive Chinese texts, Service Oriented Computing and Applications , 13 :2 , (155-167), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2019 .

Yu H, Sun C, Yang X, Zheng S and Zou H (2019). Fuzzy Support Vector Machine With Relative Density Information for Classifying Imbalanced Data, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems , 27 :12 , (2353-2367), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2019 .

Cao K, Wei C, Gaidon A, Arechiga N and Ma T Learning imbalanced datasets with label-distribution-aware margin loss Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (1567-1578)

Benítez-Peña S, Blanquero R, Carrizosa E and Ramírez-Cobo P (2019). On support vector machines under a multiple-cost scenario, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification , 13 :3 , (663-682), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2019 .

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Santhiappan S, Chelladurai J and Ravindran B A novel topic modeling based weighting framework for class imbalance learning Proceedings of the ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data, (20-29)

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Peng L, Zhang H, Chen Y and Yang B (2017). Imbalanced traffic identification using an imbalanced data gravitation-based classification model, Computer Communications , 102 :C , (177-189), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017 .

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The University of Rhode Island

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Imbalanced Learning: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications


Reviewer: CK Raju

Imagine an imbalanced dataset of cancer patients with highly skewed data having only 0.01 percent positive cancer cases. A naive or dumb machine that calls out "no cancer" to all queries would appear to be 99.99 percent accurate, and could even be misconstrued as a good prediction model over a competing machine learning algorithm. Additionally, the consequences of such a misclassification could be disastrous for patients with cancer. A comprehensive knowledge of machine learning, therefore, would be incomplete without a fair understanding of such predicaments and how to resolve them. This book promises to engage the reader by providing a vivid picture of the problems associated with imbalanced datasets, specific aspects and approaches to solve the problems, and assessment metrics. The narrative is ordered and easy to understand. A dozen authors contribute to the book's eight chapters: "Introduction," "Foundations of Imbalanced Learning," "Imbalanced Datasets: From Sampling to Classifiers," "Ensemble Methods for Class Imbalance Learning," "Class Imbalance Learning Methods for Support Vector Machines," "Class Imbalance and Active Learning," "Nonstationary Stream Data Learning with Imbalanced Class Distribution," and "Assessment Metrics for Imbalanced Learning." There aren't any competing books on imbalanced learning. Leaving aside the usual issues associated with multiple contributors-for example, the high chance for repetition or the difficulty of maintaining uniformity in presentation style-the book does justice to machine learning by bringing out issues related to imbalanced datasets. The significance of precision and recall is introduced or explained in multiple chapters, but presented as it is from varying perspectives, it doesn't affect the interest of the reader. The editors have succeeded in maintaining coherency and consistency while presenting content. For instance, while the terms F-score or F1 score could also have been used, the consistent use of F-measure throughout the book is noteworthy. Consistency is also visible in the illustrations involving precision and recall. With different authors assigned to different chapters, it is extremely difficult to trace out errors. Only one instance was detected: welding flaw was introduced as an example for imbalanced datasets in chapter 2. The case associated with welding flaws is a more apt example for discussions on anomaly detection and outliers. Anomalies, by definition, do not constitute a class or cluster by themselves, even if skewness is present as an attribute on the data. This book certainly qualifies as a reference for graduate studies in machine learning. Research students are sure to find it highly valuable and a prized possession, especially taking into account the wealth of supporting literature that the authors have brought to the fore. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Supervised learning methods are widely used in sentiment classification. However, when sentiment distribution is imbalanced, the performance of these methods declines. In this paper, we propose an effective approach for imbalanced sentiment .